
In some ways, every member of the church family could have their name on this page.

One of the great things about knowing a God who came ‘not to be served but to serve’ is that we find ourselves wanting to serve each other. If you come along on a Sunday you’ll find the church family doing that in all sorts of ways – praying for each other, serving drinks, helping with the building, the children, the finances, and countless other ways. But we know there are some people it would be particularly helpful to be aware of and so we’ve listed them below.

Ben Tanner


Ben was brought up here in Sheffield. He has a heart for this city and longs for the church to delight in God and love his world.  After teaching physics in the North East, Ben spent a number of years in youth ministry before ordination. He is married to Rachel and they have three kids.

When not vicaring Ben is a keen snowboarder (but gets out less than he’d like) and a less keen runner (who gets out less than he should). The Tanners are blue and white (Sheffield Wednesday) for English football and green (Philadelphia Eagles) for American.

Cat Wiffen

Church Warden

Cat came to Sheffield in 2005 for university and never intends to leave. Together with husband Sam, they look after 4 young children and spend most of the week flying between schools and cricket pitches. Cat works part time for a Sheffield based charity fighting to end youth unemployment in Sheffield. Cat loves to look up at the stars, look into a great book and look down at her 4 favourite little faces.

Jonny Evans

Church Warden

Jonny is married to Anna and they have two children Simeon and Caris. Much of Jonny’s time at home is spent hosting picnics for teddies and attempting to build dinosaurs out of Lego. He came to study in Sheffield in 2010 and loved it so much he never left.  He works as a GP in Kiveton and has recently enjoyed listening to history and rewilding podcasts on his commutes. He continues to be amazed that God loves him and he wants to show that love to others in Totley.

Rob Marsden

Children's Youth and Families Minister

Rob is from Sheffield and is married to Fiona. They have three amazing children – Thomas, Anna and Lucy. After studying Performing Arts at Salford University Rob returned to Sheffield and eventually became a primary school teacher. Later, Rob began working at The Oakes Holiday Centre in Sheffield – maybe you saw him there? He loves being creative in teaching young people who God is and what Jesus has done for them. Rob is 6’6”, owns a TARDIS and enjoys a swim.

Liz Hayden

Safeguarding Officer

Liz retired from early years teaching and now spends her time singing with Rock Choir, running a toddler group, cooking, watching cricket and football and pretending to do Pilates. Liz is married to Neil and they have two sons and a grandson. The family are season ticket holders at Sheffield United (sorry Ben).

Sophie Bryant

Deputy Safeguarding Officer

Sophie became a Christian as a teenager and has been following Jesus since then. She moved to Sheffield for university in 2011 and continues to love living by the peaks. Sophie works as a social worker in a child protection team, and in her spare time she takes ballet classes, loves travelling, drinks a LOT of tea and seems to be ever increasing her collection of houseplants. 

Claire Rose


The wonderful Claire Rose is a reader here. If you would like to read-er bit about her (see what we did there?) do stop back here soon for an updated bio.

Neil Hayden


Where does one start in describing Neil? There is so much to say but you’re going to have to wait a few more weeks until we can get you a short bio.

Mell Camateras

Young People

Mel has lived in Sheffield for 20 years so not yet a local! She has a passion for serving young people and helping them find and develop their gifts. She is authorised by the bishop of Sheffield as a Youth Minister.

Mell has usually got a craft project on the go and likes to tell bad jokes – really bad! Mell likes to find the adventure in everyday life. However, never ask her to tell you about when she was at sea.

There are also a group of people who work with the vicar, supporting the work of the church, looking after the finances, and ensuring that the church is run effectively. This team is called the Parochial Church Council (or PCC) and it’s made up of Ben, and the church wardens, treasurer, and elected members. It meets 6 times a year. PCC members are representatives of the congregation, and as such we’d love to hear from you if you have any questions or feedback.

Our Current PCC is
  • Ben Tanner (Vicar)
  • Cat Wiffen (Church Warden & Deanery Synod Rep)
  • Jonny Evans (Church Warden)
  • Chris Pocock (Treasurer)
  • Mellony Camateras
  • Claire Rose
  • Neil Hayden (Deanery Synod Rep)
  • Robert Lancaster
  • Ben Christmas (Diocesan Synod Rep)
  • Margaret Stone
  • Phil Woodcock
  • Kathryn Deakin
  • Rhys Evans
  • Beth Hutton
  • David Yip
  • Joel Hutton
  • Roger Hoyle (Diocesan Synod Rep)
Non Voting Members
  • Rob Marsden (Ex-Officio)
  • Lesley Keers (PCC Secretary)